Жених напрокат / Something Borrowed (2011) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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Две лучшие подруги Дарси и Рейчел с детства не разлей вода. Их дружба не раз подвергалась проверке и испытаниям, и все невзгоды они переносили на легке. Рейчел - робкая и застенчивая девушка, а Дарси - роковая красотка с импульсивным характером. Рейчел начинает встречаться с Дэксом. По иронии судьбы парень после знакомства с Дарси начинает ухлестывать за подругой девушки. Но Рейчел не смущает поведение Дэкса, и она уступает его Дарси. По случаю празднования круглой даты Рейчел, Дарси объявляет о своей помолвке к Дэксом. Однако, утром Рейчел и Дэкс оказываются в одной постели. Чем закончится запутанная история взаимоотношений?
2. Добавляй в личный словарь и тренируй их на Puzzle English
Фильм Жених напрокат 2011 на английском с английскими субтитрами
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about absolute accept acceptance accepted act acted actually adventure affair afford afraid after afterwards again against age ago agree Ahem Ainsley air all
allowed almost Alone along already also always am amazing ambience an And Angels animal anniversary annual another answer answering any Anybody anyone
anything anytime anyway apartment apologize Appreciate are argued around as Ask asked asking asleep ass asshole associate assume at attention away Awesome awful
babe baby BabyBj?rn bachelor back backhand backpack Bad badminton ball band bar barely bars based basically be beach beans bearing beat beautiful because become bed bedroom Bedtime beech been
beer before beginning being believe belly besides best better between big bigger bird birthday bit bizarre blades blame blow blushing book Booty borrowed boss both bottle bought bowing box
boy boyfriend breach breached break breaks bridal bride Bring bro broke broken brought buddies buddy building built bullshit bunch business but butt buy buying buys by Bye
call called calling calls came Cameron can Cancel capacity car care cared cares carried carries cat caterer causation caused Caveman celebrate celebrating celebratory Center century chair challenge chance chances Chanel change
changing chaotic chaperone charming cheated cheating check cheer Cheers Chemical chest chicks child chipmunk choice Christmas Circumcised circus City Claire Clearly Close closet club Coach color come comes comfortable coming committed
Dad daddy damage Damages Dame damn dance Dancing Darce Darcy dare dark date day days daytime dead deal dealing dear decide decided decision deep
default definitely Deliver Dennis depression deserted deserve deserves despite Dex Dexter Diaz dick did died different difficult digging dinner dip directed Dirty disappearing dishonest
ditched Do dodging Does doggie doing done door down downstairs dramatic dreamed dress drink drinking driving drop drunk Dude Dudes dumb during duty
Each Easy effect eight either else embarrassing emergency emotional enacting end Endless enough
entire Especially Ethan European even eventually ever every everybody everything Exactly Except excited
face fact factor failure fakest fall family fantastic far fast father favor favorite fearlessly feel Feeling feelings feels fell felt few fianc?
fieldstone figure figuring final finally find fine first Five fling flipping flooded flooding floors flow flowers flowing focus fog folks for forever
forget forgot form former found four Fourteen Fourth freaking freely frequently fresh friend friends from front fuck full fun funnier funny future
game games gave gay gays genetic get gets getting ghost giddy girl girlfriend girls Give gives giving glad go God goddamn goes going
golf gone gonna Good Gorgeous gosh got gotta grab grade grades graduated grand great gremlin grew gross grow Guess guessed guests guilty guy
had hair Hamptons hand handbag hang happen happened happening happens happiest happily Happy hard has hate have having he head hear heard heart
heartbroken heavier Heinekens hell Hello help helping helps her here hesitate Hey Hi hideous hiding high him his hit hits Hold holding
home hon honest honey honeymoon honor Hop hope hoped hoping hot hour hours house houses How hug huh hurt hurting hurts husband
I idea if imagine important impossible impressed in inadequate Including increases incredible Indiana infamous inseparable instead insulting interested intimate into introduce introduced invite invites involved is it its itself
jacket jail jammed jealous jeans jeez jerk Jesus Jetty Jitney jitters job Jordan journey Juliet July just Justin
keep keeps kid kidding kids killer killing kind Kiss kisser kisses knee knew know knowing known knows
Labor ladies lame land landed last late lately later laugh laughed laughing Lauren law lawyer lead least leave leaving
left leg legitimate legs Let letter letting liar liberated life light lighten lighter like liked Listen listening little live
lives living London lonely long look looking looks lose losing lot love loved lovely lover loves luck Lunchtime lying
mad made magazine Magoo maid make makes making man manipulated mansions many Marco Marcus Marky marriage married marry mascara mascaras material
mates matter may maybe me mean means meant Meet memorize message met Michael middle might million mine miss missed missing mistake
mister mnemonic Mom moment moments month months moon more morning moron most Mostly mother move moved movie moving much must my
naked name nap Natural near necessary need needed negligence neighborhood neither never new next nice night nightmare
nine No nobody None Nope normal nose not notch note Nothing notice notices noticing Notre novelist now
obligation obnoxious obviously ocean Oceans odds of off office often Okay Old on Once One ones only Open opera opportunity Opposing Oprah or other our out outfit outside over overwhelming owe own
packed pair panicking Pants parents part partner party partying passed past pathetic patience Pay peas pens people peppers Perfect perfectly person Phew phone pick
picked picky picture pillow pity pizza place plan planning play played player playing Please pleasure pleasured plus pod point pop por porno possible powerful
pregnant present Pretending pretty prime princess private probably problem process Professor prom promise Promised proofs proposed proud publisher pull pulled pump purse Push put
question quick quit
Rach Rachel Ralph Rap razor read ready real really realtor reason recite rejected rejection Remains remember remind respond
rest restaurant reversed rhymes right rights Rivers road roads rocks roles Romeo room rose routine run running
said Salt same Save saved saw say saying says school Scoot second secondly secret secrets See seeing seem seems seen sees selflessly sell sense sensitive sent serious seriously Serve set seven sex sexual Shake shall share shared sharing shark She shirt shit shithead shoes shoop shooting
short shots Should show showed Shush silent similarities since sir sister sit situation six sixth skimmed slammed sleep sleeping sleepover slept smarter smidge So soap soccer some somebody somehow someone someplace something sometimes son songs sorry sort soul sound sounded sounds Southern Spaghetti speak speaker short
spend spill spin splint spoke sport spot spread spun stand staring start started starting statutory stay steal Step still stop stops stories Stringing strong study studying stuff stumble stupid such suck sucks sufficient summer Sun superstar supposed sure Surprise surprised sweat sweet sweetest sweetheart swing
tables tad take takes talk talked talking tan tart tarts taste taxi teach teacher team technically tell telling tells Ten tense Tenth tequila terrible test texted Thaler than thank Thanks That the
their them then There these they thing things think thinking thinks third this thoroughly those though thought Three threw through throughout tight till time times timing tiny tired to toast toda today
toes together told toll tomorrow tonight too took tortfeasor tortious Torts total Totally touch tough town toy tragic train tree Tribeca tried trouble true Trust Truth try trying turn turned turning two
unbearable uncomfortable understand understatement ungodly unimaginable Unless Until up upset us Use
vagina Veil Vermont versus very view vodka voil? vows vulnerable
Wait waiting waits wake walk walked wanna want wanted wants Was waste wasted Watch watching water way we wearing wedding week weekend weekends weird
Welcome well went were Westchester wet What whatever wheels when Where Which while white Who Whoa whole whom Why Will willing win window Wink
wins wish with without woman women won wonder wondered wondering word words work worked working world worry worst would wow wreck write writing wrong wronged
Yeah years yelled Yep Yes yet yield Yikes Yippee York you young your yourself
Zigman zip zombie
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