Дикая штучка / Wild Target (2009) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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Наемный киллер Виктор выполняет свою работу ловко и чисто. Потому его услуги пользуются неслыханным спросом в определенных кругах. В очередной раз ему поступает заказ от крупного мафиози. Нужно устранить девушку, которая оскорбила чувства бандита. Дело в том, что ей удалось вынести дорогую картину прямо из-под носа главаря. Импульсивный гангстер не может простить такого беспечного самоуправства. Виктор без труда соглашается на дело. Однако, понаблюдав за Роуз, в его сердце что-то екнуло. Девушка, нужно заметить, не робкого десятка. Она мошенница и аферистка, что вызывает уважение у Виктора. Он не может нажать на курок и лишить жизни восхитительную красотку. Вместо положенного задания, он становится на ее сторону, тем самым вызывая гнев у агрессивного лидера мафиозного клана. Чем закончится остросюжетная история?
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Фильм Дикая штучка на английском с английскими субтитрами
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Ознакомиться с функционалом расширенного плеера можно тут ПЕРЕСТРЕЛКА / FREE FIRE (2016)
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abandon able about absolute absolutely absurd accident accordionist across action actually acupressure address admitting adored adults Afraid after again against age aggressive
ago agreed aim all almost alone Already always am an ancient and Andy Angel anger angry animal annoying another anxiety any anybody
anymore anyone anything Anyway anywhere apologize Apprentice are area around as ask asked asleep assassins asshole assistant at average away awful
baby back bad bag Bailey balloon balls bam bar barman Barney basic bass bastard bat bath bathrobe bathroom be beautiful beauty Because Becks become bed been before beg begging behave
behind being believe bellboy Belvedere Beretta best bet better betterthan between bickering bid big bigger bill birthday bit Blame blank Bleach blew blow blows Blue board body bodyguard bomb
bonsai boom boots born boss Both bother bothering Bourgogne boy brand brave breath breathe breathtaking bring brought bullet Burgundy business busy But buy buyer buzzer by bye
cable call called calls calm came can candidates cannot captain car card care cared career carry cars case cash cat caused certainly chance chances change chase cheaper
cheapest check checking chest child choice Cigarettes clean cleaned cleaning Cleanliness clear client clients clipping clock close closed coffee cognac colour Come comes coming committed company compare
competitor completely condoms confession confidence Confusing Congratulations contact contract control conversation copy could country course cousin cover covered covers cow Crawls criminal crooked Culture customers cut
dangerous date day days de dead deal dealt dear Death debilitating decent decorum deep deeply defence department depends depths Describe described
detective deux dexterous did difference differences difficult digging disappointed disappointing discreet disgrace distracted disturb disturbing Dix Dixon do does dogs
doing doingGet done door doubt down downstairs dreaming dreams dress drink drive driving drown drunk duck Due dug dull dwarf
each ear early easily East eccentric eight either else end enjoy enough essentially estate even evening ever every everyone everything everywhere Exactly example excellent Excuse expensive experience explanation explosives extraordinary extremely eyeing eyes
Fabian Face facing fact fainted fair fake family fancies fancy Fantastic far Faster fat father fault favourite fear fearless feed feel feet Felix
fell Felt Ferguson few fifth Fig figured Fill find Finding fine finger fired first fits flavour Floaters floor floozy fly followed following
fool foot footing for Forgive forgot formal Forty forward Found fraternity free Freeze friend friends frightened from fucker Fucking full funny furniture
gaining Gallery game gangster garden gave genuine Gerry get gets getting gift Gimme girl give given glad glance gloomy go God
lady Laetitia large largesse last late lately later laundry lay leaf learn least leave leaving left legacy les
less let liar lie lies life Lift light like likely line lippy list listen listening little live lived
living loads loan lobbies London Lonely long longer Look looking looks lost lot love loving low luck luxury
machine Mad made magnolias maims make makes making man manage many mark Marvellous massage match matter may Maynard me mean meaning means Media
men merci mess messages met meter methods middle might mighty Mike million mind mine mini miniscule Minister mint minute mirror missed mistake misunderstand
mix mixed Mm Mmm mobiles modern money month more morning most Mostly mother mothers moustache move moved much musketeers must my myself
name Names napkin National natural nature neck need Needless needs nerves nervous never neverblow new next Nice
night nil no nobody nocturnal none nor normal nose not notes nothing noticed novice now number nurture
oak oaks observation obviously occasionally of off offact offer Offering officer offinding offwith often ofthat ofthe ofthem ofthese ofthing ofthings ofthis oftown ofyou oak
Okay old on One ones only onto open opened Opening or orca ordinary original other Otherwise our ourselves out Outside over overpriced overseas own
pack pages paid paint painting paintings pair paper Paris park parrot particularly particuli?rement passes past pay paying payment peace peaceful peanuts pedals pension people Perfect perfectly
Perhaps person petrol phone pick picked pictures pills pissed pistol place places plant plastic play playing pleasant Please Plenty Plus point poisons police poor portrait position
possible Potpourri pounds practice present pretty price princes prison private Probably problem profession professional profound protect protecting protection proud Pulling pursued push Put puts Putting
ran random rather reactions read real realize realizing Really reason recently recommend record red relax reload Rembrandt remember remembered replacement reputation request requests respect rest
rested restoration result return rid ridiculously rifles Right riot road Roger Rolex roll room rooms ropa Rose round rubber ruined rumble Rumor run runt Russian
sad sadist safe safety said sake sale Salt same sauce sausage saved saw say saying says scarcely scared scheme school scuffed search seat second seconds See seem seems seen sees self sell sense senses sentimental serious service settle seven seventh Sexually shadow Shaking She Shit
shits ShitShit shoes shoot shot should show shrink Shut sick side sight silencer silk simple simply sin since sir sitting Six skills sleep Sleepies Sleeping slide slowly small smell smiling Smith sniper Snowy so sobbing sodding softens Solitary some Someone someplace something sometimes somewhere son
soon sooner Sorry soul sound south space spectacle speed spell spend Sport stages Staggering Staggeringly Start station stay stayed stays steady steal Still stitch stole stolen Stop stopping story strafed strange strangulation street stuck Such suppose supposed sure surprise suspect swallow swear sweetheart Swiss switched
table take taken Talk talking Taller target tastes tatters taxi tears teeth tell Temazepam Tempers tend tent terrible than Thank Thanks that The their them Then there These they thief thing things
think thinking Thinner Third this Those thou though thought thousand Three throat through Thunder tie till time times tired tissue to today together Told tonight Tony TonyTony too Took top torture touch
touched toward town trace train trained training travel Trazodone treasure tree tried trimmed Trois trouble true trunk trust Truth try trying tryst tune turf turn turned turning turns two type typical
ulmus ultimate unavoidable unbelievable Unbelievably under undercover understand understandable unpleasant until untraceable up upset us usually
Valium Very vibrations Victor vins vixen vous
wade Wait waiting wake wall wanna want wanted wants warming was Watch watching water way we weapon wearing week weigh Well were
wet whales What Whatever wheelchair when Where Which while whisper Who Why wide wife will win wind wine wines wise wish
with within without witted woke woman wonder wondered wonderful wondering work works world worried worry worth would wrap Wrist writing Wrong
yards Yeah years yell yellow Yep Yes yesterday you young younger your yourjob yourself yourselves
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