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Английская аристократка Сара Эшли отличается изысканной манерой поведения. Она брезгливо относится к роду деятельности мужа, который занимается перегоном скота на севере Австралии. На пороге второй мировой войны английские бизнесмены решают заполучить ранчо, принадлежащее мужу Сары. Не достигнув желаемого угрозами, они убивают мужчину. Но положение для аферистов-скотоводов осложняется намерениями Сары самолично заняться управлением дел покойного супруга. Она нанимает местного австралийского парня Дровера, которому поручает основную задачу - перегнать животных. Внешне сдержанная, интеллигентная, образованная женщина обращает внимание на брутального, дерзкого, простоватого Дровера. Необузданная австралийская дикость притягивает утонченную леди.
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able Aboriginal Aborigine about above absolutely accept accident accountant accusation acres across activity Actually Adelaide Administrator admit adopt Adopting adventure advice after again against age ago agree agreed Ah Ahh
air Albert alive all alliance Allsop almost alone along already alright always Am Amongst an ancestors And angry animal announce another answer Any anymore anyone anything Anyway anywhere Apparently apprehended
appropriate are aristocrat armed army Arnhem around arranged arrested arrival arrived art as Ashley ask asked asking assure at attack attacked auction Aussie Australia Australian authorities authority away
back backsides bad bags balanda ball Bandy bankrupt barely Barker bastard bastards be bearing beast Beautiful because bed beef been Beer befell before beggars begin behind being belief Believe believed belong belongs
Benedict benefit best bet better between Beyond bid Bidding big bill billabalong billabong binding birds bit black blackfella blacks blind block bloke blokes blood bloody blowing blue boat boomerang boong boongs boot
bore Boss both bottle boxes boy boys branded brave Bravo break breed breeding bring bringing brother brothers brought brumbies brumby buffalo Bull bullet bulls Bunch bunk bush business But buy by Bye
cabins call Callahan called calm came camp can Cannot capable Capricornia Captain car care Carney carry case caste Cath Catherine Cattle caught cavorting Ceremonial ceremony certainly chances change changeover chanting chaps charge chase check checking cheeky Cheer child children chilly
Chinaman choose Christ Christian Christmas church circle circumstances civilized claims clear cleared clever cliff close closer collect combination come comes coming commission company competition competitor complete complicated conceal concern concerned concerning conclusion condolences conducted cons Constable continue contract control convoy
cooker copper Coppers cops corridor cost could count country couple Courage courageous course Court cousin cow coward cows cracking crazy creamies Creamy created creature Creek Creeks crikey croc cross crossing crush culture Cup cups current curse cursed cut
Daddy Daisy Damn damper dance dancing dangerous dare Darling Darwin dashed daughter day days dead deal dear death decent decisions decks decline Definitely deliberately delicate delivered delivery desert deserves
desperate Desperation did died dies difference different diggers Dingo dingoes dinner directly disagreed dislocated dismiss dismissed do doctor does dog doing done door doorposts Doris dormitory double down Downs
Dr draw drawn dream Dreaming dress drier drift drink drinking drinks drive driven driving Drongo drop drove Drover droving drunk dry duchesses duly during dust duties Dutton duty
east easy eat eaten edge education effort either else Emmett empire Employee employees empty end England English Enjoy
enough enter escorted especially essential establishment Europe evacuate evacuating evacuation eve even ever every everybody everyone Everything everywhere
face fact fail fall fallen family famous fancy far Faraway fat father fathers fats fault favor FD fear feed feel feeling feet fella fellas fete
few Fifty fight Fill filly film filthy final finally find fine finish finishing fire fires first fish fit five Fleet Fletcher float flowering flying Flymm
Flynn follow food fool for force forces forgets Forgive forgot forgotten formation former fortunate four fox fraction Frank free friend friends from front full funny
game Gardens gate gates gave gear generations Generous gentleman Gentlemen genuine George Germany Get gets getting Gibbon Giddap Giddyup
gift girl girls give gives giving glad glass go God going gone gonna Good goodness goose gorgeous got gotta
government grab gracious grandfather grass grave great green grog ground grounds grow guardianship guess Guests guide gulapa
had Hah hail half halfway hallowed handedly handle hands Hang hanging happen happened happening happens happily happy Harbor hard hardly harm harmonica harsh has hat hate Have having Hawaii
he head heading headquarters heads heal healed hear heard heart heartless hearts heaven hell Hello help helped helping hen her herd here herself Hey hiding High highest him hires
his hit Hmm Ho hobble Hold holding hole home homestead honor hoof hope horde horse horses hospitals hotter hours house how however humiliating hunting Hurry hurt husband Hyah
icon idea ideas If Imagine imminent implore implying important impossible in inappropriate incidentally indeed industry Inform informed inside insisted
insistent inspiration institution intend interest interesting into introduce invisible invitation invited is Island it Italy items its Ivan Jap
Japan Japanese Japs jealous Jedda jeopardizes Jesus job joined jokers Jones jumping just justice
ladder ladies Lady lagging lakes land Lapin Large last late later latest laugh law lawyer Laying leading learned least leave leaves leaving ledger left Leg Leslie
less lesson let levels liar lie lies life lifted light lights like likes linked Lipelling Listen listening little live livestock living load loaded loading local
locals lock London long longer look looker looking Looks loose looters Lord lose loss lost lot Lots lounge love loved Lovely lover loves luck luggage
made madness Magarri magic main Maitland Make Makes making Mama man manager manages Manners manning many march marched market Marmont married marrying marvelous mate mates matter may Maybe me mean means meant
meat meet memory men mention met metal mi mien might mila milady militarization military million millions mind minute minutes Miss missed misses missing Mission missions missus mistake mix mixed Mm Mmm mob
mod moment mommy money monopoly monstrous months moral more morning most mostly Mother Mothering mothers Move moving Mr Mrs much muck muk Mum murderer murderous music Must muster mustering My myself mysterious
name names native Nature Near nearly necessary need needs Neil never new next Nice night Ninety no Nobody Nonsense north Northern not noted nothing now Nullah number
of Ofcourse off offer Office officer offspring Okay old on once oncoming one ones only onto open opinion
or orchestra order ordnance original ornamental other others ought our ours out outback Outbreak outstations over Overland own
Pacific Pack paddock pale paper parade part passed past path patriot patroness pay peacefully Pearl pen people perfect perhaps person personal pick pickaninny picture pictures pilot
place places plains plan play Please pleasure plenty Point Police policeman pony poor Poppycock possible pounds pours power prancing pray predawn prefer prepare prepared pretty pride
prime primitive prize probably problem profit profits promise promised properly properties property protect protection proud prove proved pub pull pump punctual Punctuation purchases Push pushed pushing put
quarter Quick quickly quid quiet quite
race radio raffle rages Rah rain Rainbow raining Ramsden ran reach ready real realize Really reason reborn record
right river rivers rock roof room rose round route royal Ruff ruin rums Run running rush
saddlebag safe safer safest safety said sails Sale same Sarah savage saw say saying says scared scatter Scattered scattering scenic School science season seat second secret secure See seeing seems seen sell send sends sent serenade Sergeant serious Serpent Serve serving set settle seven Seventy shall shame Shanghai share shave she sheila Shh shift shifts ship Shoo shores
short shorthorns shot should shoulders show shown shut sick side sided sign signal signed Silly sing singer singing single sings siphoned sister sit sitting Six sixth sleep slept sloop small Smashing Smile smoke so soft Some someone something Sometimes somewhere son song songs soon sooner soprano sorry sort soul sound south southward speak spear special spent spirit spirits
Split spotted stampede stampeding stand standing staring start States station Stay stays steady steal stealing step Still stockman stockmen stockyard Stop stopped stops stories storm story straight strange strangest stranglehold strings strong Stubborn stuff Stupid such suggest suggesting suit sun sunshine supply suppose supposed sure surely surprises survived suspect suspected swags sweet sweetheart sweetie swim swooped sympathy
tail take taken takes taking tale talk talking tall Tank tart taste TB tea teach teacher tell telling tent terrible Territory than Thank Thanks That the their theirs Them then there these They
thing things think thinking third this thoroughbred those though thought threatens three through Throw thy tickling till time Tin tins tipped to today together told tomorrow tone tonight too took top tornado
total towards tower town Trackers tracks tragedy travel treat tree tried troops trot trotting trouble trough truck trucks True trusted truth try trying Tucker tune Turn turned turtle twice twister two Typical
unbranded under understand Understood unfortunates United unless unmarried until up upon upper upstairs upstanding us Use used using
variety very Visibility visit
wagon wait waiting Wake walk walkabout walked wanna want wanted Wants war warmongers warn wars was waste Watch watching water wave way waylaid ways We weight
welcome well went were wet wharf what whatever When where which while whips whistling white Who Whoa whole whom Whoo Whoosh why wife wild will willing
win wind windmill witch with withers within without Wizard woman women won wonder wonderful wondering word work worked working works world worth would wrong wrung
ya Yah Yanks yard yards Yea Yeah years Yep Yes yet you young your yourself
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