Куда бы еще вторгнуться? / Where to Invade Next (2015) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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Что мы знаем о Новом свете? США - колыбель демократии, где основополагающими принципами являются права и гарантированные свободы граждан. Последнюю четверть века внешняя политика Штатов направлена на интеграцию демократии в другие страны, где по мнению американцев процветает режим беспросветной тирании. Известный режиссер Майкл Мур решает "вторгнуться" в Европу. Его цель - перенять опыт и лучшие идеи, благополучно влияющие на жизнь рядовых граждан. Он с удивлением оценивает стандарты каждой из стран Старого Света, невольно сравнивая их со сложившейся системой в Америке. Мур приходит к неутешительному заключению. Он считает, что образец демократии давно нивелировал и утратил первоначальный смысл. А ведь мощную социальную защиту придумали в США, а пользуются ей в других странах.
2. Добавляй в личный словарь и тренируй их на Puzzle English
Фильм Куда бы еще вторгнуться? на английском с английскими субтитрами
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Ознакомиться с функционалом расширенного плеера можно тут ПЕРЕСТРЕЛКА / FREE FIRE (2016)
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abide ability able aboard abortion about abroad absolutely abstentions abstinence accessibility acknowledge across act active actual actually add additional Administration admitted adopt adopted adopting adults advice advisors advocated affection afford afraid Africa after again against age aggression ago agree agreed Agreeing
ahead Ahem ahold aid Air airline alcohol alike alive all allergies allies allowed almost alphabet Alps already also although always am amazing Amel Amendment amends America American Americans Americas among amongst an and anniversary another answer answers any anybody anymore anyone
anything apart appear appetizer appointed approached architects are area armed arming Army around arranged arrest arrested art article artists arts as ashamed Aside ask asked asking ass assassinated assembly assert at ate attention Audur August automaker automatically average away awesome
babies Bach back backpack backs bad bail bailouts baking balance balmy banging bank banker bankers banking Banks based basic basically basketball bathroom be beat beaten beating beautiful Beauty became because become bed beds beef been Beethoven before began begin beginning begun Behave behavior
behind being beings belief beliefs believe believing belong belt benefits Berlin beside besides best better between beyond Bicycle big biggest bill bills bit black blacks Blattmann bless blew blind block blowjob blunt blurted board boardroom boards bodies bon bones books boop born boss
bosses Boston both bother bothersome Bouazizi Boulder boy braille brain branch brand brands Brazil break breaks breathe brighter bring bringing broken brother brothers Brynveig bubble buddy budget building built bunch Burberry burger bursts Bush business busses busted but buy buying by
cafeteria call called calling came camp campaigned can Canada candidates cannot capacity Capaz Capital caramel care cared careful carrots carrying cars cart case casualties Caucasians caught cause causes causing cautiously celebration cell censor censorship center centered centers cents century certain championship chance chances change changed changes changing charge charging charter cheap cheaper cheating Check Cheerios Cheers cheese Chef chefs Cheney Chicago chicken chief Chiefs children Chimichanga China Chinese
chisel chiseling chlamydia choice choices choose chose church citizens city Civics civil civilized claiming clash class classes Claudio clear clever climb climbing clinics clothes clothing Coca cocaine cod code coffee coincidence coincidentally Cola Cold collapse collective college color Colorado come comedian comes coming command committed common Communism community commuting companies Company comparable Compared compass competition completely complicated compound computers concept concerned condemns condoms conduct Congress conservative consider considered
dad Daddy daily damn dance dancing dark date daughter day days dead dealing death debate debated debates debt debts decades December decide decided decision decisions decriminalize decriminalizing deductibles Deep defeat defend definitely degree
delay demanding democracy democratic democratically demographic Denmark Depardieu department deserve deserved desire dessert destroyed destroying detailed determined dialogue Dick dictator did dietician difference different difficult dignity dill directly directors discrimination discussed disrupting districts
do Doch doctor documentaries Dodici does doing Dolce dollar dollars Domenicali done door down downtime downtown dozen dozens dragging dream Dressed drink drinks drive drones dropping drug drugs drums Ducati during duty dynamics
Each eagle Earth East eastern easy eat eating economically economy educated education effect Eight either elect elected election eliminate eliminated else embarrassed emerging employee employees empower empty
encounter end enemies enemy Energy enforcement English engravings enjoy enough entered entire episode equal equals ERA Esatto escape espoused essentially establishment Estonian ethical Europe European even events
eventually ever every everybody everyone everything everywhere evidence evil Exactly exam example exams except excessive exchange excuse exist existentialism expectancies expectancy experience experimented explained extended extra extremely
face Facebook facilities facility fact factories factory fail fair fairyland false familiar family Fancelli Far fashions fast faster fastest fate fathers fear federal feel feelings fees fell fellow felt female Fennel few fight fighter fighters fighting fights
figured files filet filled filming final Finally financial find finding fine finest finish Finland Finnish Finns fire first Fishing fit Fitzgerald five flag flan flat fleece floor floors Florida flowers flunk fly follow following food foot for
Forbidden Force forced foreclosed foreign foreigner foreseeable forever forgave forget formed former fought found Founded four France frankly free freed freedom freedoms French Frenchland friends fries from front frozen fruit fuck full Fun fund funded funny future
Gabbana game gas gave gay gender general generation generations genius geniuses genocide George German Germans Germany get gets getting Gianni gift
give given giving globe Gnarr go God goes going golf gone gonna good got gourmet government governs grab grabbed grad great
greater Greatest grew ground group groups grow Grown growth guaranteed guards guess Guinea guitar gun gunned guns guy guys gymnastics
had hair Half hall hammer hand hands happen happened happens happier happiness happy harassed hard hardly harm harsher has hatred Hauksson have haven having He head heads health healthy hear heard
heart hearts hedge heed held hell Hello help helped helping helps Henry her Here hero Heroin hesitate Hey hide high higher highest hike him himself hired his history hit hitched
hmm hoist hold hole holiday holidays home homes homework homosexuals honestly honeymoon honor hope hopped hormones horrible hotel hour hours house How huh human humanity humiliated hundred hundreds hunt hurting
ice Iceland Icelanders Icelandic idea ideas identifying if ill illegal illegalize illegally illicit imaginary imagine Impenetrable implant important imposing impossible impression in inadvertently incident include included including
income inconceivable increase incredible independent individual infrastructure inhale initially inmate inmates innovative insane insects inside inspired installed Instead institute institution institutions insulted intelligence intelligent interesting interfere international
Internet intervene into invade invaded invasion invasions invented investigate investigation investment involved Iran Iraq is ISIS Islamist island issue issued it Italian Italians Italy its
Jack jail Jamais January Jewish Jews job joe Joint joints joke journalists journey judge judges July June jungle just justice Jуn
Kansas Kardashian Kareem kay keep kept Kerouac ketchup key keys kid kids kill killed killer kind kindness king kitchen kitchens knew knife knives knock know knowing knowledge known
label labor lace ladder lady lake lamb lament land landslide language languages Lardini larger largest last lasted later latest laughing laundry law laws leader leaders learn learned learning least leave
led left legal legally Lehman lend less lesser lesson Let letting level levels library lie life light like line lines Lisbon list listed listen listened little live lived lives living
Ljubljana loan loans lobby Local lock locked long longer look looked looking looks lose losing lost lot Lots love Lovemaking lovers loves lower lowest Luckily lucky lunch lunches lunchtime
machine MacVicar mad made Magical mail mails main major majority make makes making male man managed management managers mandate Mandela manner mansion manufacturer many marched marijuana Marines mark marriage married martyr mass massage massive master masters maternity math maximum may Maybe mayor
MBA me meal mean means meant media Medicare meet meeting melted members memorize men menacing mention menu Mercedes message met metal Meth Mexico Michael Michigan middle might miles military Miller millions mind minister minority minute minutes miss missed missent missing mission model
models Modern Mohamed mom moment Mondays money month monthly months Montignac Moore moral more Moscow Most mostly mother motherfucker motorcycle Moussaka mouth move moved movements movie moving much multimillion multiple murder murdered murderer museum music Muslim must my myself mythical
name named names national nationality nations natural nature Navy Nazi near nearly necessarily necessary need needed Negroes neighbor neighborhood neighborhoods neighbors neither neo never new newly
next nice nicest night nights nine no Nobody None normal Normally Normandy North Norway Norwegian not nothing notice noticed November now number numerous Nuno Nuremberg nursing
observe obsolete occasionally October of off offensive offer offered offers office Officers offices official officials often oil Okay old older olds On
Once one ones only Ooh open opened operate operations opportunities opportunity oppose opposed oppression optimist option or order ordered orders organization organized
orientation original Oslo other others Oui our ours ourselves out outbreak outlawed outright outside outspeak outspoke outta over overconfident owe own owner
packed packing paid painting pantry pants paper Papua paradise parents Paris Parliament parliaments part partly Party pass passed passion past Patriot patron pay paycheck paying pays peace penalties penalty pencil pencils penis Pentagon people per percentage perfect perform Perhaps period permanent persecuted person personal personally persons Pew pfft philosophy phone photographs pick pictures
piece Pills pirated pity Pizza place placed places plan planet planning plant planting plastic play played playground playing pleasure plumber Plus pocket poetry poets point pole police political politically politician politicians politics pool poor poorest populated population Portugal Portuguese possibility possible Pot power powerful practically practice preach precipitate predecessors predict pregnancy pregnant prepare
preparing prescription present president press pretend Pretending pretty prevent previous prime principal principle prior prison prisoner prisoners prisons private probably problem problems producing productive products profit programs promised pronounce proper proposals prosecute prosecuted prosecution prosecutions prosecutor prosecutors protect protest protesting proud proves provides provision provocative public punishment punishments pure pursuit pushed pushing Put
quality question quick quiet quietly quite quota
racist raising rallied ranked raped Rapunzel rarest rate rates ratification re read reading ready Reagan real reality realize really reason reasons rebuke recession recidivism record recording recovered recovery red redemption redo reduced refrigerator regardless
rest result resulted return revenge revolution rewarded rewards Reykjavik rich rid ride Right rights Rinse rise risk risky road roads rock Rod rode role roll Ronald room rounded ruined rule rules run running rural Rwanda
sadness safe said saint salary Salute same sauce save saved saving savings saw say saying says Scallops scandal scare school schools Scott screen screw scum seats second secret security see seeing seek seem seemed seems seen sell Send sending sense sent sentence sentences serious seriously serve served service services serving set seven sex shake share sharp she sheet Sheila shit shock shoot shooting shop short shortest shot shots Should shoved show showed shower showing shown shut shutdown sick sickness side sidewalk significant signs
silent simple simply sin since sing singing single sins sir sisters situated situation six skewers slave slavery slaves Sleeping slept slop slopes sloppy Slovakia Slovenia Slovenian slow small smarty smiling smoke smuggled snapped snuck so social socialize socially society software solo solution solve some somebody Somehow someone something sometime somewhere son soon sooner Sorry sort sorts soul South spa Spanish spare spawned speak speaking special speech speed spend spends spent sphere spheres sports spread stabbed Staff stakeholders stand standardized standardizized standards standing stands
star start started starts state States stay stayed steal stealing steel step stew stick still stoic stop stopped stores stories stormed story straight strange strangely strategy street streets stress stressed strike stripping strong strongest structure struggle student students studied studio study studying stuff style Styrofoam substances substitution suburban subway Success successful such suck sucked sudden suddenly sugar suggestion summer summoned sunlight supervisory supply support supposed sure surely Surprise surrender surrendered survive survived survivors swam Sweden Swedish Sweetheart swim swimming Swiss symbol syphilis system
table take taken takeout takes taking talian talk target tastes taught tax taxes teach teacher teaching teen teenagers teens televised Tell telling term terror terrorism terrorists test tested testing testings testosterone tests Texas textbook than Thank Thanks that the Their them themselves
then there these they ThighMaster thing things think thinking thinks third This Thor those though thought thousand threat threaten threatening three thriving through throughout throwing Thursday till time times to today together toilet token told tomorrow too took top toppled tops total
toward town towns trade traders trading tradition tragic train training traveling tray treat treated treatment tree trial tried tries trillions Trond troops troubles true truly truth try trying Tuesdays tuition Tunisia Tunisian turn turned turning TV twice two types
um unable unbelievable under undercutting undergraduate understand understanding union unions unique United
universal universities university Until unusual up upcoming upon uppity uprising upsetting us
USA usage use used user users usher using USS usual usually Utah
vacation vacations valuable value values vanilla varies vegetables vending Versace very vet vial video
Vietnam view Vigdнs village Virginia visit visiting Volare Volkswagen Volume voluntarily vote votes voting
wage wait waiting walking walks wall wanna Want wanted war Warden wars was wash waste wasted watch watching water wave way ways We wealthy weapon wear wedding weed weeds week weekend weekends weeks
Welcome welfare well went were West Western what whatever when where wherever whether which while white whitewash who Whoa whole Whopper Why wife will win wind window windows wings winning winter wiped wish
wished with within without witnesses woman women won wonder wondered wonderful wondering word wording words work worked worker workers working workplace works world worried worries worrisome worse worth would wounds Wow write wrong
Yeah year years Yep Yes Yet You young younger youngsters your yourself yourselves yummy
Zero Zimbabwean zone
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